Domestic Wires/Twin and SIEMENS Cables/Parallel Twin Cu/PVC

Parallel Twin Cu/PVC


Copper Conductor PVC Insulated 

HO 3 VH - H AS PER BS 6500 - 1994

(CU / PVC)

Nominal Area of Conductor Maximum Conductor Resistance at 20°C Thickness of Insulation   Overall Dimensions of Cable (Max.) Approx. Cable Weight

Standard coil Length

 Sqmm Ohm/km mm mm Kg/km Yard
 0.5 39.0   0.8  3.0x6.0 27  100
 0.75 26.0 0.8 3.2x6.4 32  100

All conductors are flexible (Class 6).

All Cables are insulated with Heat Resisting 85°C PVC - Type 4 Compound.

Cables conform to BS 6500.